Spring is a Promise

The first spear of asparagus
The first spear of asparagus

So the snow has been melted for a few weeks now.  Friday was warm to the point where I worked up a sweat in a very short time.  Part of the day was a gift from a cursed source; my Waltham office was closed because of the hunt for the Boston Marathon bombing fugitive and I got commute time and a little more to work in the garden.  Hands in the dirt; my way of dealing with many of life’s dark places.  Renewal is the blessed work of the gardener.

Windows open! Which gave sick kitty Cay Cay Canolli a new interest in life, which made us all happy.  Then rain and a cold front and today I cleaned and burned in bright, cold sunshine.

Rhubarb in April

Thuj Two and One

Thuj Two and One
Thuj Two and One

From left to right. At least they are green.  This was taken in the food garden this weekend, where my new trees have over wintered.  The sun hasn’t made it up over the tall evergreens to my south on a regular basis so the heavy, wet snow is taking its time to leave.  I did work on the south side of the house where the snow was gone in a warm crescent that includes most of the rose ghetto (the dedicated rose bed).

After the heavy rains and warm weather of Monday, most of the snow is gone, but it’s cold and I have to go to work so the garden waits until the weekend.

But there is promise.