Finished. While I understand the meaning of the word, I don’t do it very well. Last weekend I made enough progress on the new setup to move the cool weather plants, but caught a cold that’s slowed me down this week. After a small wiltdown because the fan in this light creates a lot more dry air so that the plants need more water, everyone seems to be happy.

The frame is made from a saw horse kit. The legs are 5′ long 2X4s. And the crossbar is a 1 X 3′, about 4′ long. I’m still trying to determine the optimal measurements so extra lengths just hang there. I can always cut later. My desk is in this area so I’ve found that an old quilt helps keep the light out of my eyes while I work at my desk.

The sides are made of 1/4″ sheeting. They are just laid across a bar (1 X2) that also strengthens the rigidity of the structure. The sheeting will be covered with silvered mylar or aluminum foil after the lettuces adjust to the stronger light. I’m leaving them freestanding so that I can easily get to the plants from either side.

From left to right are a few pea shoots, ready to harvest; Simpson’s Elite Lettuce, Red Sails Lettuce and the remainder of the old batch of lettuces that have been cut several times.

I was curious about how the old lettuces would age in their small soil blocks. They are showing some stress with the occasional brown tip, and all of the new leaves stay small. But I’m still getting salads and sandwiches from them. The basil continues to grow very slowly under the old setup. I designed the “tent” thinking two would fit in my basement but I’m undecided about whether to try a warm plants setup this year.
very cool!