Amaranthus, decorative types

Amaranthus Ponytails
Amaranthus Ponytails

I am playing with decorative amaranths this year.  I would really like to find a US source for “Ponytails”, see left, but none of the major seed companies seem to carry it in the US.  T&M does but not in the US, evidently.  Last year I ordered online and they said they had problems with the seed and I didn’t get them.  They are similar to what I’ve seen with “Love lies Bleeding”, but while that variety is chenille rope-like, the Ponytails in this picture, from Jardin des Plants in Paris many years ago, was more like chenille balls on a rope.  And I have seen some web locations that seem to believe that LLB and Ponytails are the same so I’m reluctant to try an unknown source.  Oh well, enough about the “one that got away”.  So far.  And if LLB and Ponytails are really the same thing, I’m starting some LLB and may find out.

My trial with Love lies Bleeding and Joseph’s Coat last year was without success, almost nothing germinated and what did, didn’t live to be planted outdoors .  This year I did more reading and saw a reference that they liked bottom heat.  I was using a combination of last year’s seed and some new varieties that I purchased fresh so I used several seeds in every cell and started them over a heat mat.  I think I got 100% germination from both sets of seeds!  Here are the varieties:

  • Cinco de Mayo
  • Love lies Bleeding
  • Tricolor Early Splendor
  • Joesph’s Coat

Here’s a picture of my seedling forest.  Since then, I’ve pulled out everything but two or three in each cube. 

Amaranth seedling forest
Amaranth seedling forest