S. Williams Garden in Central MA

Late last week I saw an invite for a Sunday garden club visit to a private garden in Central MA.  I had been planning to get in two full days of work on my own garden but the words, “formal vegetable garden” attracted my attention.   In addition, I considered how much my garden reflects my efforts to integrate what I’ve liked in other gardens with my own competencies and style.  So I visited this incredible place. 

Although the plantings were equal to many gardens that I’ve visited in France and other parts of the country, it has very much of a New England feel.  You still can see the farm in the garden, and the extensive use of granite and stone walls reminds us of the character of the natural place.  I was told that the pink granite used for the raised beds in the formal garden was from a nearby quarry and matched the granite used for the foundation of the house.

I was particularly impressed by the attention to detail.  Although the gardens, both formal and informal, extended over many acres, every plant was exactly where it was supposed to be.  Near the house, no crevice between stones was left bare, just the collection and use of small ground covers and plantings was impressive.  Critter sculptures added their humor, everywhere.

Rhododendrons extended for what would easily equal multiple city blocks, but were mostly over, and roses were tucked sweetly into mixed plantings or trained against the stone walls.  The roses were also mostly over, I would like to see them in June.  Impressive displays of daylillies, in masses the way that I like them; hydrageas; and hosta vied with rare specimens and dramatic designs for attention.

With so many lovely plantings, ironically, my favorite feature was the chicken coop!  The roof was actually a shallow pan, waterproofed, and holding a pretty collection of succulents.