I am not a tidy gardener and always experimenting so I almost never have a perfect picture. But there is always something to look at. I love the color combination of the chartruese hosta and the dicentra. The blue hosta helps. From left to right along the bottom, the hosta are: Elegans (very large leaf) Hadspens Blue, and the chartruese is one I call Danny Boy. A neighbor grew it from seed, so technically, it’s a no-name. It will grow darker through the season and the hosta that’s just above it, a gift from a friend near Toledo, Paul’s Glory, gets lighter and lighter. It also gets much bigger and fills in where the dicentra dies back.
Updated August 21, 2011. Notice how Paul’s Glory, upper right in both pictures, has switched colors with “Danny Boy” on the bottom. Haspen’s Blue just gets darker blue.

I’m going to start taking pictures of my garden again soon. very soon. I’m almost finished with all the house projects.
I have been watching for them!